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我們獨特的方法源於人類高效能的永恆原則。 與我們合作,為你的團隊中的每個人裝備所需的思維模式、技能和工具,以達至高績效,並共同取得卓越的成果。

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Hong Kong Academy of Leadership

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正是這句話啟發了 2014 年創立 Hong Kong Academy of Leadership (HKAL),作為富蘭克林柯維教育 ( Franklin Covey Education) 的獨家代表。如今,在慶祝香港和澳門五週年之際,我們的使命和決心依然堅定不移。

我們的使命是培養社會人士,令他們受啟發,發展自己的性格優勢,成為個人領導者,並建立有效的人際關係。 簡而言之,我們希望所有參加我們培訓的人都能懷著環球意識、關懷的心和深思熟慮的思想,實踐所學到的習慣。

我們自我領導力教育是基於史蒂芬‧柯維 (Stephen R Covey) 博士所著,具高度影響力的暢銷書中的永恆原則。 我們的使命與他的「利用持久有效的原則來釋放人類潛能」不謀而合。

About Us

The 7 habits of highly effective people sold over 40 million copies worldwide. It was with this success that Dr. Covey then wrote the highly acclaimed, The Leader In Me, book. The principle-based foundations were cleverly introduced as a school-wide process, in which educators are empowered to show that all children can be a leader. The Leader In Me process offers each student a mind-set, skill-set, and a tool-set that enables each individual to unleash their full potential and to create their own life path.

That path, like all our paths, will face uncertainty in this ever-changing world. For when all is said and done, it is our children who will inherit this great city. It is they who will need to carry on building it. To do so, we intend to build their hearts and minds, so that they inherit a new city, a decent city, that gives youth a future and old age a security.

To do this the Hong Kong Academy of Leadership proudly offers the highly successful, The Leader In Me process to schools within Hong Kong.  In addition, as direct partners of FranklinCovey Education, we offer our exclusive 7 Habits workshops to kindergarteners, primary and secondary students, as well as our 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens course. We offer the 7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students course to young adults transitioning into University life, and the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Families workshop to all families.

We believe that education in Hong Kong has made students knowledgeable but cynical, their cleverness making them hard and unkind. They think too much and feel too little. More than memorized facts we need creativity, more than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.

To nurture children's creativity, we will need to provide room and patience to allow children to observe, think and ask.  Extracting the best elements from Design Thinking, we developed a process for children to identify and understand problems, brainstorm and test out options in a team setting and present their final solution.  We see education in a different way and thus teaching children differently.  Instead of feeding children all the knowledge they potentially need in the future, we coach them to lead their own learning by starting with the problem itself.  They will eventually identify the area they lack knowledge on and take initiatives to seek the knowledge that will help them to develop innovative solutions. 

To prepare children for the future, it is important to simulate real world issues and allow them to try resolving problems, to make mistakes, to learn from experience, and try again.  Confidence is built from making numerous mistakes.  If children are not allowed to make mistakes now, then when can they?

Hong Kong Academy of Leadership is the sole representation of FranklinCovey Education
in Hong Kong and Macau.

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Meet Our Trainers


Ann Ngan
Director, Certified Facilitator, Master Coach of FranklinCovey Programs

Ann is a highly accomplished professional with over 20 years of management experience in U.S. and Australian-listed companies. Driven by a deep desire to make a positive impact in Hong Kong’s education sector, Ann has collaborated with businesses and educational institutions in the city to implement comprehensive leadership development programs. She uses her wealth of experience and certifications in The 7 Habits, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method, and Design Thinking to empower individuals to elevate their leadership capabilities.


Ann holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne, and a Master’s degree in Practicing Accounting from Monash University.


Sam Leung
Certified Facilitator, Coach of FranklinCovey Programs

With over 10 years of experience of classroom teaching, Sam is a certified teacher who is deeply passionate about helping students and teachers thrive.


Sam recognizes the importance of a people-centric approaching building trust and working effectively with people with different needs and learning styles. He is passionate about facilitating high-impact 7 Habits workshops for students and educators and going beyond traditional methods. Sam is also a certified LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method facilitator.  By utilizing the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method, he creates engaging and interactive experiences that foster creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving.


Sam graduated with a BSc in Elementary Education from Taylor University. He volunteers as a Sunday School teacher and youth mentor.

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